The most successful organizations continuously fortify their reputations and foster the right conditions to achieve their business outcomes with more support and less friction.


As a leading reputation management firm, Purple helps clients manage threats – real and perceived – to their license to operate, with a focus on the audiences who hold that license. Often that includes policy makers, regulators, the financial community and other discrete stakeholders who can have an outsized impact on how a company, organization or industry is viewed.

While Purple is frequently engaged in moments of crisis, more often our firm is asked to help brands and organizations imagine, plan for and execute campaigns that communicate a better and more ascendant future.


  • Reputation Assertion, Defense and Management
  • Crisis Management and Rebuilding
  • Corporate Repositioning
  • Issue Management and Issue Advocacy
  • Executive Reputation Building
  • Internal Change Management
  • Business Transformation
  • Regulatory or Legislative Headwinds
  • Competitive Pressures
  • Stakeholder Management

Our approach is grounded in political strategy and activation, recognizing that today’s organizations contend with both competitors and active, well-funded adversaries and critics.

Our strategies are built around well-researched, data-informed insights. We are thoughtful, agile and outcome-focused.

Our full-service campaign planning and execution employs a range of tactical options, including advertising, earned media, social, digital, content and coalition building.

Let's Talk

Purple has helped many of the world’s most important organizations address their most important issues.

A partnership of progress


One of the most recognizable brands in the world, McDonald’s has generations of powerful, positive reputational equity. And yet, many don’t know all the ways that McDonald’s continues to lead change today — from its many nutritional improvements on menu items, to restaurant modernization, community impact and much more. And that includes sharing how McDonald’s continues to provide opportunity to millions of first-time job seekers, empowering them with foundational skills that can last a lifetime — proof of McDonald’s commitment to being America’s best first job.

McDonalds: A Partnership of Progress

From crisis to opportunity


Any organization can manage success. Purple helped BP respond to the Deepwater Horizon accident at a time when conventional wisdom was running against it. Working from a pledge to make things right, we built a frank, open channel of communication that would grow to include company-wide commitments to safety, technological investment, the economy and a constantly evolving portfolio — in the process, creating a model for the modern energy company.

BP: From Crisis to Opportunity

Strategic Reinvention


Known as a pharmaceutical leader for 130 years, Abbott’s core business evolved faster than its longstanding identity and reputation after spinning out AbbVie in 2013. This meant they weren’t able to fully capitalize on their many innovations, acquisitions, and leadership moves in driving life-changing medical technology. Purple’s campaign helped re-establish the brand by elevating and articulating the company’s unique ability to bring greater technology to human health — and greater humanity to advanced medical technology.

Abbott - Strategic Reinvention

Much of our work is protected by client confidentiality or privilege. Learn more about our experience and what we can do for you.

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