Change with a capital C
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April 1, 2020

2 Min. Read


Purple Strategies

Change with a capital C

We talk about change a lot here at Purple, mostly with our clients, but also with our colleagues. Why? Because in today’s volatile landscape, all brands and corporations must be adequately equipped to handle change. We partner with our clients to help them prepare for change, manage change when it’s thrust upon them, and compel change of their own.

What does this mean during this time when we are all witnessing an unprecedented rate of immense change? It means we are supporting our clients and colleagues in any way that we can. It means keeping a finger on the pulse of what and how society is doing, tracking larger geopolitical and societal trends and motivations, tapping into our network of partners, and much more.

As we reflect on our past 10 years as Purple and look ahead to the next 10, we’ve taken a page out of our own playbook and reinvented our brand to better align with who we are today. Our new logo features a stylized P made up of three pathways, each one emblematic of Purple’s approach to helping clients prepare for, manage, and compel change.

We couldn’t have imagined how profound a role change would be playing across all aspects of life today – or predicted that change would be defining the new normal both professionally and personally in all of our futures. As paths ahead become less clear, and we continue to examine our response and rebound from this global moment of change, we’ll continue to move forward with our clients, navigating these unique and uncertain pathways together.