Futurecasting: The promise and peril ahead for corporate reputation leaders
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November 3, 2020

1 Min. Read


Purple Strategies

Futurecasting: The promise and peril ahead for corporate reputation leaders

Introducing our Futurecasting by Purple Strategies™ platform

A changing landscape of social, political, and business dynamics is creating a new set of challenges for business leaders. One where corporations and their hard-won reputations have as much to gain as they have to lose.

To increase understanding of this emerging era of threats and opportunities, we sat down with business leaders across industries. And asked them to identify in depth what they see on the horizon and share what their organizations are preparing to do about it.

We interviewed 40 corporate reputation leaders across large, well-known companies with billions of dollars in revenue and millions of employees. We made the interviews anonymous so these leaders could speak freely and tell us the unvarnished truth about what they are dealing with. From the more than 40 hours of interviews, Purple developed 12 insights that deal with everything from the role of the CEO, to retaining employees and attracting new talent, to the convergence of financial and reputational analysis.

Individually, their stories provide best-in-class examples of nimble and nuanced approaches to changing demands of corporate reputation. Taken together, they offer a revealing glimpse into a fascinating future that lies ahead.

Explore the Futurecasting by Purple Strategies™ insights.