Jenn Capps

Jenn Capps

Jenn Capps was raised by a cryptanalyst who taught her very early how to write backwards in cursive, how to solve cyphers and complete logic puzzles, and most importantly, how to navigate her way through unfamiliar territory to achieve exciting and rewarding results. Though she doesn’t get postcards written in code anymore, Jenn has retained her passion for tenacious curiosity, testing the fences, and complex problem-solving. She continues to bring that passion to her work with clients and colleagues to this day. Jenn comes to Purple with more than 20 years’ experience in public relations, public affairs and strategic communications. She helps Fortune 500 companies and major trade associations better understand the issues they face and the audiences they are trying to reach, and activate with impact based on deep insights. She believes that the details matter as much as the big picture and applies that belief to everything from managing teams to supporting clients.  

 “Over the years I’ve learned how important it is not to get comfortable. Being uncomfortable takes courage – it requires you to challenge your abilities, push your boundaries, to stretch and grow. It also requires being confident enough in yourself and your skills to take the types of risks that enable you and your clients to stand out and succeed.” 

 “The best engagements are ones that feel authentic and relevant. They connect people to a moment, issue or entity. Discovering the lesser-known details and fascinating facts about people and clients – and understanding when and how to share those details to drive engagement and connection – is one of my favorite things about this work.” 

 “My inspiration and aspiration in both my work and personal life draws from the words of Marita Bonner, who wrote, ‘She did not approach people as if they were strange, hard shells she had to crack open to get inside. She talked as if she were already in the shell. In their very shell.’”