WEBINAR: How the viral “Plandemic” video uses the power of storytelling to sell misinformation
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July 29, 2020

1 Min. Read


Purple Strategies

WEBINAR: How the viral “Plandemic” video uses the power of storytelling to sell misinformation

Despite its outlandish claims and obvious falsehoods, plenty of Americans were taken in by Plandemic: an explosive, conspiracy-laden, documentary-style video about COVID-19 that appeared on social media in May. We dial-tested the viral video to find out how it was so persuasive. Watch Peter Loge, director of the Project on Ethics in Political Communication at The George Washington University, and Purple’s Denise BrienAlec Jacobs and Meghan Moran to discuss our findings on why Plandemic was so compelling to so many, and how best to combat the kind of dangerous misinformation it represents.

Dive into our full findings and insights here.